Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Mirror

Do you ever look in the mirror at yourself and go "you know what? I look good today?" Cause I don't.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I've been learning a couple things about myself lately. I've been trying to loose weight and I realized that when I get stressed out, I eat. Which is bad, cause I'm trying to get thinner. I also learned that if I am not stressed out and feel good and happy, I eat. Damnit.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

oh, the film industry...

This was the most recent movie I did. I think it's pretty funny. I have to say, this film looks like it would have been a lot of fun to make. And for a while it was. It was great working with all the actors and a blast shooting it and writing the script. Sadly, it's just not that simple. If it was, I think films would be much more prosperous and much higher in quality. But this industry can be brutal sometimes. And is full of dishonest, con men. And it can show that all it takes is one bad apple to take down the whole tree (Even though one bad apple does not take down a whole tree and it just hurts that one apple, I think you all understand my analogy i was trying to make). It's hard to find "real" people in this entertainment industry, which is very sad because it could be great. And should be great. I try to do my best, be honest, and give 100 million percent as Randy Jackson says (Cause apparently 100% is just not enough anymore). I want my crew, actors, and family to be proud of the films I make and to enjoy their experience with me. But how some people don't get blacklisted and how some get the privilege of working in this industry even though they are liars and cheats baffles me. I thank and applaud all of the people I know in this industry that are genuine and not selfish. Now... what can you do for me?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

New Business

Everyone is always trying to find that great new business idea, the one that is going to make them rich and have a product that can sell like hot-cakes. Well, I just figured out what I'm gonna start selling... I'm gonna sell Hot-cakes.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


You know when you are having a baby you always have fears. Well, I think my fear might be a little bit more rare than others. I'm actually worried that I'm gonna eat it. I know that seems weird, it's just that updates us weekly on the size of our baby. And this week it's a delicious plump tomato. A couple weeks ago it was a bell pepper and before that an avocado and soon the length of a carrot. I'll tell you this, when it's the size of a bottle of Ranch dressing, look out little baby salad!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hindsight is 20-20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sick of Hindsight!!! I wish hindsight wasn't 20/20 but and option to travel back in time. Why is it that I will go somewhere every single time and it's lame, but the one time I don't go, it turned out to be the best time ever and everyone's got a story? Or Why is it that every time I start my fantasy sports player in my line-up he's sucks, but whenever I forget or bench him, he goes off, huge, (Triple double, 3 home-runs, 200 yards, a no-hitter, etc...)?
This might sound egotistical but, do you ever feel like what you do affects the rest of the world. I do. Even if I'm not there. Like if I need a team not to score anymore points in the super-bowl so I can win $175, and there is only three minutes left. There WILL be a score. But If I need the opposite, there will NOT be a score. And I was in Simi Valley and the game was being played across the country. It's crazy. I some how made Porter intercept that ball from Manning to score. Do I have that much power? Negative super powers? I'd love to put it to use, but it's bad, it's a curse. It's kinda like that goose that could lay the golden egg, except the egg I can make is made out of poison ivy. What a crap super hero I am.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Why I Blog.

I was so slammed today that I couldn't think straight. I could not find the time to get everything done. I sat there with so much to do that I didn't know where to start, total brain fart. So what did I do? I Blogged. Why? I don't know. Don't you ever have so much to do that you just say "Screw it. All those things are to overwhelming right now, I'm just gonna do something completely different that is absolutely not productive"? This might have been how blogging started. It just makes sense. I mean look at the word, "Blooooogggg".

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hey everyone. Be careful. My friend on Facebook just posted that he lost a grizzly bear from his zoo! So keep your eyes alert. Poor guy is having a horrible month cause just last week he lost a bunch of his crops to bad weather. :-( Pray for him, cause he can't catch a break. It's crazy cause I don't know how he finds the time to carry all these jobs while he is selling health insurance for Keiser Permanente.
BTW. Can anyone trade me a 9mm Berreta for a Royal Cigar in my mafia war?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It's true that when you become pregnant your appetite changes and you crave much more food. Cause ever since my wife and I got pregnant, I've been eating everything!